domingo, 15 de febrero de 2009

Top 20 LiLo (De La Semana Del 9 al 13 De Febrero)

Lunes 09/02
20. Lily Allen: The Fear
19. The Fray: You Found Me
18. The Killers: Human
17. Britney Spears: Circus
16. Maite Perroni: Esta Soledad
15. Pussycat Dolls: I Hate This Part
14. Katy Perry: Thinking Of You
13. Demi Lovato: La La Land
12. The Rasmus: Justify
11. Panic At The Disco: Northern Downpour
10. Hannah Montana: (Let’s Get) Crazy
9. The All-American Rejects: Real World
8. The Veronicas: Someone Wake Me Up
7. Amanda Seyfried: Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)
6. Beyoncé: Halo
5. Oasis: I’m Outta Time
4. Christina Aguilera: Dynamite
3. P!nk: Sober
2. Nicole Natalino: Seré
1. Kelly Clarkson: My Life Would Suck Without You

Martes 10/02
20. The Fray: You Found Me
19. The Killers: Human
18. Lily Allen: The Fear
17. The Veronicas: Someone Wake Me Up
16. The All-American Rejects: Real World
15. Panic At The Disco: Northern Downpour
14. Hannah Montana: (Let’s Get) Crazy
13. Pussycat Dolls: I Hate This Part
12. Demi Lovato: La La Land
11. Britney Spears: Circus
10. Katy Perry: Thinking Of You
9. Maite Perroni: Esta Soledad
8. P!nk: Sober
7. The Rasmus: Justify
6. Amanda Seyfried: Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)
5. Beyoncé: Halo
4. Oasis: I’m Outta Time
3. Christina Aguilera: Dynamite
2. Nicole Natalino: Seré
1. Kelly Clarkson: My Life Would Suck Without You

Miercoles 11/02
20. The Killers: Human
19. Lily Allen: The Fear
18. The Fray: You Found Me
17. Katy Perry: Thinking Of You
16. Pussycat Dolls: I Hate This Part
15. The Veronicas: Someone Wake Me Up
14. Panic At The Disco: Northern Downpour
13. Britney Spears: Circus
12. Maite Perroni: Esta Soledad
11. Amanda Seyfried: Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)
10. Hannah Montana: (Let’s Get) Crazy
9. P!nk: Sober
8. Demi Lovato: La La Land
7. The Rasmus: Justify
6. Beyoncé: Halo
5. Oasis: I’m Outta Time
4. The All-American Rejects: Real World
3. Kelly Clarkson: My Life Would Suck Without You
2. Christina Aguilera: Dynamite
1. Nicole Natalino: Seré

Jueves 12/02
20. Cinema Bizarre: Lovesongs (They Kill Me)
19. The All-American Rejects: Real World
18. Lily Allen: The Fear
17. The Fray: You Found Me
16. Hannah Montana: (Let’s Get) Crazy
15. Panic At The Disco: Northern Downpour
14. Maite Perroni: Esta Soledad
13. The Veronicas: Someone Wake Me Up
12. Amanda Seyfried: Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)
11. Britney Spears: Circus
10. P!nk: Sober
9. Demi Lovato: La La Land
8. The Rasmus: Justify
7. Beyoncé: Halo
6. Katy Perry: Thinking Of You
5. Christina Aguilera: Dynamite
4. Nicole Natalino: Seré
3. Oasis: I’m Outta Time
2. Kelly Clarkson: My Life Would Suck Without You
1. Pussycat Dolls: I Hate This Part

Viernes 13/02
20. Lily Allen: The Fear
19. The Fray: You Found Me
18. Cinema Bizarre: Lovesongs (They Kill Me)
17. The All-American Rejects: Real World
16. Maite Perroni: Esta Soledad
15. The Veronicas: Someone Wake Me Up
14. Amanda Seyfried: Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)
13. Hannah Montana: (Let’s Get) Crazy
12. Katy Perry: Thinking Of You
11. Panic At The Disco: Northern Downpour
10. P!nk: Sober
9. Britney Spears: Circus
8. The Rasmus: Justify
7. Pussycat Dolls: I Hate This Part
6. Demi Lovato: La La Land
5. Nicole Natalino: Seré
4. Kelly Clarkson: My Life Would Suck Without You
3. Christina Aguilera: Dynamite
2. Beyoncé: Halo
1. Oasis: I’m Outta Time

P.D.: Un Cordial Saludo A Todos... Como Podran Ver... El Blog A Tenido Un Retraso Enorme Este 2009... Primero Era 2 Dias... Despues Fueron 3... Y Ahora Una Semana Completa Sin Publicar Algo... Bueno... Lo Que A Pasado Es Que La Flojera A Sido Mas Grande Que Yo... Espero Que Esta Nueva Semana Sea Distinta A La Pasada... Y Halla Mas Dinamismo... Mientras Tanto Los Top 20 De La Segunda Semana De Febrero...

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